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Dave Blackwood

Senior AdvisorInvestment BankingStrategic AdvisoryLondon

Dave Blackwood is a senior advisor in the firm’s strategic advisory business. He joined Evercore in 2011 as part of its acquisition of Lexicon Partners.

Previously, Mr. Blackwood was at BP, where his tenure culminated in a role as head of North Sea business, based in Aberdeen, following stints in Alaska and Houston as well as service as BP’s worldwide technology vice president for projects and engineering. In addition, he was the first joint chairman of Oil & Gas U.K., which was formed to represent both operators and contractors within the U.K.’s oil & gas industry.

Mr. Blackwood was also a member of the PILOT Taskforce, working with government to sustain a competitive U.K. oil & gas industry, and in 2006 was awarded a CBE for his services. He also has taken on nonexecutive director positions with Premier Oil, the Expro Group and other companies.

Mr. Blackwood has a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from Glasgow University.