UK Modern Slavery Act Statement

This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the “Act”) and constitutes Evercore Partners International LLP’s (“Evercore”), modern slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 31st December 2023.

Evercore provides financial advisory services to a wide range of non-retail institutions and corporations. Due to the nature of such services, Evercore’s supply chains (“Supply Chains”) comprise (i) contracted employees to provide intellectual capital; (ii) outsourced service providers (including cleaning, security, catering and facility management of its office space); (iii) professional advice (includinge legal, accounting and audit); (iv) goods and services provider(s) in relation to its office space (including IT, telecoms, office furniture; (v) stationery, food and drink for employees; and utilities.

Evercore has undertaken a risk assessment (“Risk Assessment”) of (i) its current staff profile and recruitment practices (covering employees, contractors and agency staff) and (ii) its Supply Chains . The current Risk Assessment has established that, to date, there is no evidence to suggest that modern slavery is present within Evercore’s business. Furthermore, due to the nature of Evercore’s business, there is a low risk of such issues arising in the future.

The Risk Assessment will be repeated in each forthcoming financial year in order to ensure that Evecore’s internal and external processes continue to be held to high and exacting standards as required under the Act.

Evercore maintains and will continue to maintain a zero-tolerance approach to slavery and human trafficking and ongoing training on anti-modern slavery and anti-people trafficking will be provided to staff principally involved in procurement activity.

© Evercore Partners International LLP 2023. All rights reserved. This document is provided solely for statutory compliance purposes, does not constitute an endorsement of any vendor and does not form part of any contract with any third party or create any third party rights